FINGER Matthias - KUNNEKE Rolf W. (eds.),
International handbook of network industries: the liberalization of infrastructure.
Cheltenham; Northampton: Elgar, 2011.
International handbook of network industries: the liberalization of infrastructure.
Cheltenham; Northampton: Elgar, 2011.
Gli argomenti del libro:
Basic economic principles of infrastructure liberalization; A general framework for regulation and liberalization in network industries; From ‘service public’ to universal service; The institutional economic history of infrastructure industries, 1830–1990; Liberalization in the telecom sector; The liberalization of electricity markets; Trends in gas; The oil industry; Reforming railways; Liberalization of air transport; Road infrastructure and institutional reform; Public transport liberalization; Maritime ports; Liberalization in the water sector; Liberalization in the postal and delivery sector; Liberalization of network industries in the European Union; Liberalization and regulation of telecoms, electricity, and gas in the United States; The liberalization of infrastructures in Latin America; Reform of China’s energy and telecommunications sectors; Infrastructure reforms in India; Liberalization of infrastructures in Russia; Recent Australian infrastructure liberalization; Infrastructure liberalization: challenges to the new economic paradigm in the context of developing countries.
In biblioteca
alla collocazione: L 338.47 INT
alla collocazione: L 338.47 INT