BLAIR Roger D. - SOKOL Daniel D. (eds.)
The Oxford handbook of international antitrust economics.
New York: Oxford U.P., 2015.
The Oxford handbook of international antitrust economics.
New York: Oxford U.P., 2015.
Gli argomenti del libro:
Rationales for Antitrust; Antitrust enforcement regimes; Economic analysis of antitrust exemptions; Healthcare provider and payer markets; International antitrust institutions; Competition policy in public choice perspective; Antitrust settlements; The economics of antitrust class actions; Behavioral economics and antitrust ; Experimental economics in antitrust; Optimal antitrust remedies ; Private antitrust enforcement in the United States and the European Union; Freedom to trade and the competitive process; Monopoly and dominant firms; Market definition; Bilateral monopoly; Antitrust and the economics of networks; The antitrust analysis of multi-sided platform businesses; Efficiency claims and antitrust enforcement; Unilateral effects; Coordinated effects; Buyer power in merger review; Vertical mergers.
In biblioteca
alla collocazione: L 338.8 OXF
alla collocazione: L 338.8 OXF