KOLB Robert W. Kolb - SCHWARTZ Donald (editors),
Corporate boards: managers of risk, sources of risk.
Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
Gli argomenti del libro:
Factual basis (The relationship between boards of directors andh their risk management organizations: are standards of best practice emerging?); Is risk management by corporate boards even possible? (Risk management, chaos theory, and the corporate board of directors - Anti-social norms, risky behaviour - Time-inconsistent boards and the risk of repeated misconduct); Board structure and the management of risk (Theories of governance and corporate moral vulnerability - Mitigating the exposure of corporate boards to risk and unethical conflicts - Supervisory board and financial risk-taking behaviors in Chinese listed companies); Corporate boards and the management of specific risks (Entity-level controls and the monitoring role of corporate boards - Do corporate boards care about sustainability? Should they care? - Executive risk taking and equity compensation in the M&A process); Corporate boards, risk management and the ethical firm (The ethics of risk management by a board of directors - Assurance and reassurance: the role of the board - Risk disclosure and transparency: toward corporate collective and collaborative informed consent).
In biblioteca
alla collocazione: L 658.4 COR
alla collocazione: L 658.4 COR